Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Commemorate the died people in the Ester attack


Commemorate the died people in the Ester attack on 2019.05.21

පාස්කු ඉරිදා ත්‍රස්ත ප්‍රහාරෙන් මිය වුවන්ව සිහි කිරීම 

   caph;j;j QhapW Fz;Lj;jhf;Fjyhy; ,we;j egh;fis epidT$h;e;J tpsf;Nfw;wy; 

More than 250 people were died as a result of the bomb attack which was done by the Islamic extremists targeting the general public in the three churches and luxury hotels in the Easter Sunday on 21 of April 2019. It has been happened exactly one month ago for today.  It commemorated the people who died due to the Ester Sunday attack by lighting oil lamps in front of the statue of “Mather Marry” near the Muhandiram ground on 21 of May 2019 in Negombo. Representatives of Sri Vimukthi Fisher Women Organization, members of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, Religious leaders,  and villagers participated in the event

2019 අපේ‍්‍රල් 21 වන දින පාස්කු ඉරිදා පල්ලි සහ සුඛෝපභෝගී හෝටල් තුනක සාමාන්‍ය ජනතාව ඉලක්ක කර ගනිමින් ඉස්ලාමීය අන්තවාදීන් විසින් සිදු කරන ලද බෝම්බ ප‍්‍රහාරයෙන් 250 කට වැඩි පිරිසක් මිය ගියහ. එය හරියටම මාසයකට පෙර සිදුවිය. අද. 2019 මැයි 21 වන දින මීගමුවේ  ක්‍රීඩාංගණය අසල “දේව මෑණියන්ගේ ” පිළිමය ඉදිරිපිට තෙල් ලාම්පු දල්වා එස්ටර් ඉරිදා ප්‍රහාරයෙන් මියගිය අය එය සිහිපත් කළහ. මෙම අවස්ථාවට ශ්‍රී විමුක්ති ධීවර කාන්තා සංවිධානයේ නියෝජිතයින්, ජාතික ධීවර සහයෝගීතා ව්‍යාපාරයේ සාමාජිකයින්, ආගමික නායකයින් සහ ගම්වාසීන් සහභාගී වූහ.

ஏப்ரல் 21 Nk 2019 அன்று ஈஸ்டர் ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை மூன்று தேவாலயங்கள் மற்றும் சொகுசு ஹோட்டல்களில் பொது மக்களை குறிவைத்து இஸ்லாமிய தீவிரவாதிகள் நடத்திய குண்டுத் தாக்குதலின் விளைவாக 250 க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் இறந்தனர். இது சரியாக ஒரு மாதத்திற்கு முன்பு நடந்தது இன்று. 2019 மே 21 அன்று ePh;nfhOk;gpல் முஹந்திராம் மைதானத்திற்கு அருகிலுள்ள Njt khjhtpd;” சிலைக்கு முன்னால் எண்ணெய் விளக்குகள் ஏற்றி ஈஸ்டர் ஞாயிறு தாக்குதலால் இறந்த மக்களை இது நினைவு கூரg;gl;lJ.  இந்நிகழ்ச்சியில் ஸ்ரீ விமுக்தி மீனவர் பெண்கள் அமைப்பின் பிரதிநிதிகள்> தேசிய மீனவ j;Jiog;G இயக்கத்தின் உறுப்பினர்கள் மதத் தலைவர்கள் மற்றும் கிராம மக்கள் பங்கேற்றனர்

Religious teachings guide people to protect peace


Religious teachings guide people to protect peace on 2019.05.16 to 18

විවිධ ආගමික උපුටා දැක්වීම් ඉස්මතු කරන කටවුට් සවි කිරීම

kjf; fUj;Jf;fs; cs;slf;fg;gl;l tpsk;gu gjhijfis ePh;nfhOg;gpd; gpujhd ,lq;fspy; fhl;rpg;gLj;jpg;gLj;jy;  

There is a tendency to create radical conflicts among the nations after the Ester attack     and some incidents were occurred especially in the Poruthota area in Negombo. There is a  tense situation in the area due to the attack. According to the situation, religious leaders, civil society organizations, professionals, women, youth, media persons and community leaders organized as “Negombo Citizen Collective” in order to take actions toward to build up the peace, co-existence and reconciliation among the nations in Negombo.  It decided to implement poster campaign and fix the cutouts highlighting various religious quotes in different places in Negombo. The purpose of the campaign is to request people to protect peace without engaging with any incident which direct to violate peace in the area. We attempted to build religious restraint of the people through this.  This campaign was conducted from 16 to 18 in May, 2019 based on Negombo. 


පාස්කු ප්‍රහාරයෙන් පසු ජාතීන් අතර ගැටුම් ඇති කිරීමේ ප්‍රවණතාවක් පැවැතු අතර සමහර සිදුවීම් විශේෂයෙන්  මීගමුවහි පෝරුතෝටා ප්‍රදේශයේ සිදුවිය. ප්‍හාරය හේතුවෙන් ප්‍රදේශයේ නොසන්සුන්කාරී තත්වයක් පවතී. තත්වයට අනුව, ජාතීන් අතර සාමය, සහජීවනය සහ සංහිඳියාව ගොඩනැගීම සඳහා පියවර ගැනීම සඳහා ආගමික නායකයින්, සිවිල් සමාජ සංවිධාන, වෘත්තිකයන්, කාන්තාවන්, තරුණයින්, මාධ්‍යවේදීන් සහ ප්‍රජා නායකයින් “ මීගමුව පුරවැසි සාමූහිකය” ලෙස සංවිධානය විය  .  එම කමිටුව විසින් පෝස්ටර් ව්‍යාපාරය ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමටත්,  මීගමුවෙහි විවිධ ස්ථානවල විවිධ ආගමික උපුටා දැක්වීම් ඉස්මතු කරන කටවුට් සවි කිරීමටත් තීරණය කළේය. ප්‍රදේශයේ සාමය උල්ලංගනය  සෘජුවම බලපාන කිසිදු සිදුවීමකට සම්බන්ධ නොවී සාමය ආරක්ෂා කරන ලෙස ජනතාවගෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටීම මෙම ව්‍යාපාරයේ අරමුණයි. මේ තුළින් ජනතාවගේ ආගමික සංයමයක් ගොඩනැගීමට අපි උත්සාහ කළෙමු. මෙම ව්‍යාපාරය 2019 මැයි මස 16 සිට 18 දක්වා  කරගෙන පවත්වන ලදී.

caph;j;j QhapW jhf;Fjypd; gpd;G ePh;nfhOk;G gpuNjrj;jpy; ,dq;fSf;fpilapy; Kuz;ghLfs; Vw;gLtjw;fhd rhj;jpaf;$W fhzg;gl;lNjhL rpy rk;gtq;fSk; ePh;nfhOk;G Nghunjhl;l gpuNjrj;jpy; ,lk; ngw;wJ. jhf;Fjypd; gpd;G gpuNjrj;jpy; fytukhd epiyikf;F kf;fs; Kfq;nfhLj;jdh;. me; epiyikia ikag;gLj;jp ,dq;fSf;filapyhd rkhjhdk;> ey;tho;T kw;Wk; ey;ypzf;fk; vd;gtw;iw fl;bnaOg;Gtjw;fhd Nehf;fpy; kjj; jiyth;fs;> rptpy; mikg;G nraw;ghl;lhsh;fs;> ngz;fs;> Clftpayhsh;fs;> ,isQh;fs; kw;Wk; gpui[ jiyth;fs; midtUk; ,ize;J ePh;nfhOk;G gpui[ xd;wpaj;ij cUthf;fp kf;fspilNa mikjpia Vw;gLj;Jtjw;fhd eltbf;iffis eilKiwg;gLj;jpdh;. mjd; xU nraw;ghl;lhf Rtnuhl;b kw;Wk; kjf; fUj;Jf;fs; cs;slf;fg;gl;l tpsk;gu gjhijfis ePh;nfhOg;gpd; gpujhd ,lq;fspy; fhl;rpg;gLj;jpdh;. ,r; nraw;ghlhdJ> kf;fs; fytuq;fis ifapy; vLf;fhky; rkhjhdj;JlDk; xUtiu xUth; Ghpe;J nraw;gl itg;gjw;fhd xU Kaw;r;rpahFk;. ,r; nraw;ghL 2019.05.16k; jpfjp njhlf;fk; 18k; jpfjp tiu ,lk; ngw;wJ. 

Collective action to Peace and Harmony


It has been decided to have a meeting and a collective action to promote peace and harmony and to eliminate the suspicion and distrust within the District of Negombo by the ‘Negombo Citizen Collective’ at the Negombo bus stand on the 31st of May 2019. Several civil society organizations will participate for this program.  A planning meeting for the above occasion was held at Munnakaraya and Kadolkele and Kudapauwa to educate people on the importance of Peace and harmony.  Miss, Subhashini of ‘Sri Vimukthi womens Organization and Mr. Pradeep Wanigasooriya and Mr.Nuwan Pradeep represented the National Fisheries Solidarity.   

Let's get together for build Humanity among Sri Lankans -Unity of Negombo Citizens'


After the suicide attacks on 21/4. the divisions among the Sri Lankan ethnic groups have widened very seriously.  Negombo was one of the worst affected area where hundreds of Catholic devotees killed at the Easter Sunday mass. Amidst the serious attack, the people in Negombo were kept calm and patiente, which is admirable. The example of Negombo people set was reduced the violence in the country, at the post attack context. Unfortunately, it was 2 weeks after the 21/4 attack, some unfortunate incidents happened on 5th May with the gang attacked in some areas of Negombo.
The organized Negombo citizens were shocked with the attacks and approached Police and defense ministry for the prompt actions to protect innocent citizens. However, for long term reconciliation, we need to have people to people dialogue and build up trust among the communities, ethnic groups around the country. One of an accusation against the Muslim's is that they are not interact with the other ethnic groups. We can understand why they were attempted to isolate from the others and went in side their shells with the suspicion and pressure from the society. So, we the concern citizens in Negombo area attempt to extend the hands with solidarity and brother/sisterhood among the citizens.

 As one of a step for peace and reconciliation, we the Unity of Negombo Citizens' is organizing a mass rally on 31st May at Negombo, at 2.30 pm under the theme of "Yesterday, Today and even Tomorrow, we are United for Humanity!"
We invite all the concern citizens, to join with us to say "We are united to build a Rainbow City in Negombo"

Yesterday, Today even Tomorrow, We are United for Humanity


“Unity of Negombo Citizen “ under the theme of “ Yesterday, Today  even Tomorrow, We are United for Humanity “organized an event in order to consult the government to take  systematic the actions that they are taking to build peace and reconciliation among the nations, concern the hate speeches and action of some groups which lead to damage the unity of the nations as well as to show people’s opposition for all harms on 31 of May, 2019 at Lenten ground in Negombo. 
Number of innocent people died as a result of the bomb blast in the Ester Sunday which was targeted the Catholic churches and hotels in Colombo on 21 of April, 2019. The largest damage was done by the attack to the people in the church in Katuwapitiya, Negombo.  A tense situation was created after the attack in Negombo. There was a tendency to happen racial conflicts in the area. 
All religious leaders wished the peace, coexisting and reconciliation among the nations as well as they emphasized the important of living people as one nation in one country.  They deplored the hate speeches and all actions which have been taken toward damage to the peace.  Honorable Vidassi Thero, Mahagalkadawala Punchasara Thero , Father Sathyavel and Sister Rasika, Professor Sumanasiri Liyanage and Herman Kumara, National Convener of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement also  participated in the event.

There was a silent march from the starting point  to the clock tower and came back to the St. Sebasthiyan statue. It  lighted the lamp in the name of peace and reconciliation in order to commemorate the public who died due to the attack.  

Poster Campaign


Member Organizations in Mannar, Negombo, Moneragala and Matara launched poster campaign demanding several matters, including;

- Stop Land Grabbing and review new land laws in favor of People’s aspirations,
- Ratify and enact laws based on ILO Fishing Convention on Safety at Sea,
- Establish Sustainable Fisheries Policy,
- Stop Colombo Port City,
Our team will launch the same campaign in other 11 districts to

GIZ project for women's training program


Conducted a program for women on life struggle, violations against women, Injustice in working places etc. The program was held on 24.7.2019 in jubilee hall Negombo25 women, representing Sri Vimukthi Fisher Women Organization, participated to the program. They made a plan to address the issues identified during discussions. Att. at Law Jeevanee Kariyawasam facilitated the program.

Social Media Training


Successfully completed a two-day training program (14 &15 Dec.) for Negombo youth group on social media. The program was conducted at NAFSO training center -Negombo.
22 young people including 9 girls were participated to the program (aged between 15 and 25).
Improving of social media skills to use in social change were the main focus of the program.

mobile Video editing, mobile photography, cyber security and use of some popular social media interfaces and responsible use of social media were the main subject areas of the program.

Youth will be engaged in social media group building, run groups and moderating focusing building unity among different communities. And also participants will share the developed knowledge and skills among other members of the youth group.

பருவகால மீன்பிடி பிரச்சினை....සංක්‍රමණික ධීවර කර්මාන්තය.......... Migration Fishing


The National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO) organized the North-South dialogue on the current issues of migration fishing. The discussion was held at the Fisheries Co-operative Society Union Hall in Mullaitivu on 13th January 2020. Representatives of the districts of Gampaha (Negombo) and Puttalam and representatives of Jaffna, Mannar, Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu in the North participated. The fishermen of the North presented their problem and they said that before the war our Sinhala brothers worked with us. We lived with peaceful environment. They were very small group on that time. But after the war, the fishermen of the South came large a group and settled permanently Many of them use illegal fishing methods. We can't engage with our job. We are not yet advanced in technology. We still use traditional methods for fishing. After more discussion and dialogue with government officers and others we decided we allowed small numbers for fishing in North. (Ex: 72 fishermen for Mullaithevu). But nearly 700 boats have arrived. Most of them using Light Corse, Dynamite and Cylinders. So, we are losing our job and fisheries resources are being destroyed.
We have small area for fishing. So, we cannot allow to fishing in a small area for large number of fishermen. And we cannot give the opportunity for illegal fishing. The North representatives appealed to the representatives of the south to tell your people about our real situation. Please give your support to build our life.
Representatives of South said that, we can understand your situation. Your demands are very reasonable. Therefore, we will discuss this with the South people. And the government should pay attention to solve this problem. We will do what we can for it.
After the discussion the team visited migrant fishing area.
දකුණේ සිට උතුරු වෙරළ ප්‍රදේශවලට ගොස් දකුණේ ධීවරයන් කරන සංක්‍රමණික ධීවර කර්මාන්තය නිසා වර්ථමානයේ පවතින ගැටළු පිලිබදව හා එය සදහා තිරසාර විසදුම් සෙවීම සදහා වන උතුරු දකුණු සංවාදයක් පසුගියදා (13.01.2020)ජාතික ධීවර සහයෝගිතා ව්‍යාපාරය විසින් සංවිධානය කරන ලදී . මෙම සංවාදය මුල්ලයිතීවූ ධීවර සමූපාකාර සමිති ශාලාවේදී පැවැත්වුණි . මෙය සදහා මීගමුව සහ පුත්තලම් දිස්ත්‍රික් නියෝජිතයන් හා උතුරේ යාපනය , මන්නාරම , කිලිනොච්චි හා මුල්ලයිතීවූ නියෝජිතයන් සහභාගිවිය . මෙහිදී උතුරේ ධීවරයන් තම ගැටලුව ඉදිරිපත් කල අතර ඔහුන් කියා සිටියේ යුද්ධයට පෙර අපේම සිංහල සහෝදරයෝ අපි එක්ක එකට රැකියාව කළා . අපි ලොකු එකතුවකින් ජීවත් උනේ.. නමුත් යුද්ධයින් පසුව දකුණේ ධීවරයන් අධික ලෙස එවිල්ලා ඒගොල්ලන් ස්ථීරව පදිංචි වෙලා. ඒගොල්ලන්ගෙන් බොහෝ දෙනෙක් පාවිච්චි කරන්නේ තහනම් ආම්පන්න . අපිට මාළු අල්ලන්න බැහැ . අපි තාම තාක්ෂණයෙන් දියුණු වෙලා නැහැ . අපි තාම පාරම්පරික ක්‍රමයටයි රැකියාව කරන්නේ .
යුද්ධයෙන් පසුව බොහෝ සාකච්ජා වලින් පසුව අපි සීමිත දෙදෙනෙකුට(උදා ; මුල්ලයිතීවුවල 72 දෙනෙකුට ) අපගේ මුහුදේ රැකියාව කරන්න ඉඩ දුන්නා . දැන් 700ට ආසන්න බෝට්ටු එවිල්ලා. ඒගොල්ලන්ගෙන් බොහෝ දෙනෙක් ලයිට්කොස්, ඩයිනමයිට් සහ සිලින්ඩර් පාවිච්චි කරලයි රැකියාව කරන්නේ . අපගේ ප්‍රදේශයේ ධීවර සම්පත් විනාශ වෙනවා . අපට හරිහැටි රැකියාව කර ගන්න බැරිව අපේ ආර්ථියක කඩා වැටිලා . යුද්ධයෙන් පීඩාවිදපු අපට තවත් පීඩාවක් .
යුද්ධයට පෙර මේ පාරම්පරිකව රැකියා කරපු අපේම සහෝදරුන් එවිල්ලා රැකියා කරනවාට අපි ගොඩක් කැමති . නමුත් හිතා කුඩා ප්‍රදේශයක විශාල සංක්‍යාවක් එවිල්ලා රැකියා කරන එක අපට දරා ගන්න බැහැ . එනිසා ඔබ ගිහිල්ලා දකුණේ සහෝදරවරුන්ට අපේ තත්වය කියන්න කියා උතුරේ ධීවරයන් ආයාචනා කළා .
සහභාගිවූ දකුණේ අය කියා සිටියේ ඔබගේ දුක අපිට තේරෙනවා . ඔබගේ ඉල්ලීම්ද සාධාරණයි . එනිසා අපි මෙය පිලිබදව අපේ දකුණේ ය සමග සාකච්ජා කරන්නම්. ඒවගේම රජය මේ පිලිබදව අවධානය යොමු කලයුතුයි . එය සදහාත් අපට කල හැකි දේවල් අපි කරන්නම් .
සාකච්ජාවෙන් පසුව කණ්ඩායම ෂේස්ත්‍රයද නිරීක්ෂණය කළහ .
பருவகால மீன்பிடி பிரச்சினைக்கான நிரந்தர தீர்வு ஒன்றை பெறுவதன் மேலுமொரு முயற்சியாக வடக்கு தெற்கு கலந்துரையாடல் ஒன்றை தேசிய மீனவ ஒத்துழைப்பு இயக்கம் கடந்த தினம் (13.01.2020) முல்லைதீவு கடற்தொழிலாளர் கூட்டுறவு சாமாசத்தில் ஏற்பாடு செய்நதிருந்தது . இக் கலந்துரையாடலுக்கு தென் பகுதி சார்பாக நீர்கொழும்பு மற்றும் புத்தளம் மாவட்ட பிரதிநிதிகள் கலந்துக்கொண்டனர் . இதன்போது வடக்கு மீனவர்கள், " யுத்தத்திற்கு முன்பு எமது பிரதேசத்தில் தென் இலங்கை மீனவர்கள் குறிப்பிட்ட தொகையினர் தொழிலில் ஈடுபட்ட அதேவேளை அவர்கள் பாரம்பரிய தொழில் முறையினேயே செய்து வந்தனர் . எனினும் யுத்தத்திற்கு பிறகு இவர்களின் தொகை அதிகரித்த அதேவேளை இவர்கள் லயிட்கோஸ் , டைனமையிட் மற்றும் சிலிண்டர் பாவித்து மீன் பிடிக்கின்றனர் . எங்களால் இதை தாங்க முடியவில்லை . எனவே நாம் பல கலந்துரையாடல்களை நாடாத்தி குறிப்பிட்ட சிலருக்கு அவகாசம் வழங்கினோம் . ஆனாலும் தற்போது சுமார் 700 படகுகள் தொழிலில் ஈடுபடுவதோடு அநேகர் சட்டவிரோத மீன்பிடியிலேயே ஈடுபடுகின்றனர் .யுத்தத்தினால் மிகவும் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட நாம் மேலும் பாதிக்கப்பட்டுக்கொண்டே இருக்கின்றோம் . எனவே தெற்கிலிருந்து வந்த நீங்கள் உங்கள் இடங்களுக்கு சென்று எங்கள் நிலைமையை எடுத்துச் சொல்லுங்கள் . நிம்மதியாக எங்களை வாழ விடச்சொல்லுங்கள் . இதன்போது தெற்கில் இருந்து வந்தவர்கள் " நாங்கள் சென்று உங்கள் நிலைமைகளை எடுத்துச் சொல்கின்றோம் . அத்தோடு அரசாங்கம் இது தொடர்பான அவதானத்தை செலுத்துவதற்குமான நடவடிக்கைகளை எடுக்கின்றோம் என்று கருத்து தெரிவித்தனர் . கலந்துரையாடல் முடிய களத்துக்குச் சென்று நிலைமையை நேரில் கண்டறிந்தனர்